January 1st

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Hey Everyone!

Happy New Year! We made it through 2020, a year full of challenges. May 2021 be a year of health and joy. Wishing you all the best this coming year :)


Keep reading for some updates and information about our program. Step Up has some exciting things in store for this year!

School starts Tuesday, January 12th!

Meet Jen Barragan!

Jen has joined the Step Up team as our Family Success Coordinator. She will support families as they apply for tutoring and are matched with tutors.

Jen's experience includes serving as a teaching assistant for an upper division Anthropology course at Cal Poly Pomona and working as a Student Assistant to streamline the flow of campus information to her fellow students. Welcome, Jen!

You can reach her at jen@stepuptutoring.org or (626) 869-9446‬. Feel free to reach out!
Game night tomorrow!
We had a blast hanging out with all of you who came to our last game night. Thanks for joining us! Our next game night is tomorrow, Wednedsay Jan. 6th at 6pm. We have some fun games planned, hope to see you there!

Click here to sign up
Friendly reminder: your student should NOT be joining tutoring from a phone. If this is the case, please tell Julia!

Teacher Testimonial


“I see the consistency and performance from my students that are participating in the program. They are much more vocal at answering questions and at asking questions, which I see is such a struggle for a majority of my students.”

-Nadia Ahmad-Chacko, Teacher
Hale Charter Academy

Community Resources

Looking for any support? Check out these resources for food insecurity, legal issues, fninacial concerns, housing and more. Sorted by zip code and compiled by LAUSD.

Meet tutor Sherry!


"I had no idea how satisfying tutoring was going to be until I started working with a fifth grade boy who needs help with reading. I love preparing lesson plans that I know my student will enjoy. At the end of each session, he thanks me for helping him learn, and I feel so exhilarated because I can see that some one-on-one attention can really make a difference."


Thank you, Sherry!
Join our new events committee!
Enjoy planning events? Have an idea for a fun activity? Join the Community Events Committee to help plan events for the Step Up Community.

Click here to sign up
Like us on social media!
Refer a friend to tutor!
Thank you for your participation in our program! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
-The Step Up Team
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February 1st


December 1st