Step Up Tutoring: Providing Free Volunteer Tutoring And Mentoring For Students

When COVID-19 forced schools to close and go virtual, no one could imagine how hard virtual learning would be on students and what the impacts would be on their educational development.  

Helping To Close The Academic Gap

Online school for students is hard; it not only impacts their social development, but one Wall Street Journal article said that students lost an average of 116 days of reading time and 215 hours of math instruction. 

This is where Step Up Tutoring comes in. 

Step Up Tutoring is a non-profit organization based in California that offers free tutoring and mentoring services to students from 3rd grade through 6th grade. Our mission is to improve student success through academic support and mentorship in under-resourced communities. We partnered with LAUSD to begin our pilot program to help students succeed in schools, which is especially critical during COVID-19 because students need all the extra help they can get. 

Our Volunteer Tutors Work With Teachers And Students

Our volunteer tutors make a minimum commitment of just 2 hours a week to meet with their students online to not only help students with homework, review difficult concepts, and have fun learning!  Through our partnership with LAUSD, Step Up Tutoring has the unique  ability to work in conjunction with teachers. Our volunteers know exactly what the student needs to improve upon. 

But not only do tutors help students academically, but tutors are also a mentor for these students. 

Mentorship is especially important because it builds relationships and helps students who don’t always get access to mentors grow in areas that academics can’t reach. Students can learn goal setting and other life skills with their tutor. These components all add not only to the academic success of the student, but also success in the real world. Research shows that students with college-educated mentors are twice as likely to go college. 

Making An Impact One Student At A Time

Although everything is online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Step Up Tutoring and their volunteers are making valuable relationships and true impact on students’ lives both academically and socially. Teachers have been saying that their students are already improving in school, turning in assignments, and are more confident and curious! 

Help close the education gap. Become a volunteer tutor and mentor today and invest in a students’ future.


Update: We’ve matched 500 California Volunteer Tutors To Students